This poor little fellow shows that it often takes a village to save a life. Below is the actual email I received asking us to take him. We have renamed him Alfie.
With Joan his foster angel
I immediately sent an email to Joan who lives up that direction and I knew also fosters for other groups and asked her if she could foster him while we made arrangements for him. I was told later that apparently these people had only had this little guy for 3 years and he had never seen a vet while with him until he became very sick. Apparently his previous owner had been an elderly lady who got sent to a nursing home and all her cats (20+) got left to fend for themselves. Their (the people who just dumped him) daughter liked this little fellow and talked them into taking him in since he was blind and animal control told him he would be killed if he came to the shelter. The husband apparently does not like cats so they were looking for an excuse to get rid of him. He is a super nice fellow, uses the litterbox with no problem and Joan reported he had no issues with her cats.
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11/29/2011 Sweet Alfie passed away tonight from complications from recent surgery. He was a sweet fellow who will be missed.