It is my birthday and I made you a jib jab for it.I think jib jab are fun, hope you enjoy this one :)It wouldn’t let me embed it. so you need to clickHERE Hope you enjoy the old blast from thepast :) It is still time to help me with my birthdayfundraiser for the cats :) CLICK HERE
You guys did good and moved Snicker up tothe next level!! The next vote is SUNDAY 4/5and Monday 4/6 when we go to the final 2, (notice I amhaving faith we make it to the final 2, your voteSunday will get us there. $5,000 is on the line.Please remember to shareRemember you only have that 24 hour period to vote.Here is the link again CLICK HERE TO VOTE
A new contest
This is a daily vote for the next 30 days, it lookslike it gives bonus points that you can usefor votes too. You get points for joining andpoints each day when you log in. Every 10 daysyou can give a bonus of 10 points.Here is the link:
Jeff has made a really cute fundraiser forthe cats! I hope you will click HERE andwatch the cute video he made from a catsperspective. He is betting you that he candrink a one gallon jug of chocolate milk inone hour and keep it down for 15 minutes.He is accepting 1-1 odds. If you pledge$20 and he does it, you pay. If he failshe will personally pay your $20. Youtubehas videos of people not being able to do this so it might be a good bet :)
Cat Update
Wendy is hanging in there :) Fluids and appetite stimulants seemto be helping. She has regained approx 1/2 pound. WENDY’S STORY
Mack went back for blood work and came out perfect. The radiationtherapy for his hyper thyroid brought his numbers back to perfect.Mack’s Story
Carrot is doing well and had his stitches removed yesterdayCARROT’S STORY
Holly is hanging in there, got a much needed dentaldone, lost 2 teeth :( Kidney values are holdingsteady. Holly’s Story
Colonel was hospitalized for 2 days, severely constipatedAnother reason I have to get these guys off of thedry food. He is home on laxulose Colonel’s Story
Ernest was taken to the vet for a regular checkup. Wedid have concerns that he had also lost some weight.We do see him eating. His blood work screams FIPat us. We of course are thinking to ourselves thatwe are just being paranoid after losing Cheetah.But in reality, we know we are dealing again with FIP.This time (right now) it is dry. You are asking me howdo we know? Good question. There are clinical signs,weight loss (check) fever (check, he does have a low fever)loss of appetite (check he is eating but obviously notas much, he is now getting an appetite stimulant) lethargy,(he has never been real active so not really acting muchdifferent than before) Blood work, OY VAY were weshocked when she handed me the blood work.Protein (normal is 6.3-8.8) his is 9.Globulin (normal is 3.0-5.9) his is 6.7Albulin (normal 2.6-3.9) his is 2.3Reticulocyte ration is .02 (>.2 says look somewhere elseAlb/Glob ratio is .03 a ratio of <.08 meets the criteriafor FIP (>.8 says look somewhere else)And anemia his RBC is lowHis abdominal x-rays do not show fluid, they do show the powder look that we saw with Joy. I thinkwe have just caught this so early in the game.Oh, and he is FELV+ and young, typically FIP hitscats under the age of 2, in a multi-cat environment.There is a medication that is not FDA approved for DryFIP but people have had good results with it. We immediately started him on B-12 shots, feline interferon,and . Now we playthe battle with FIP. There are people what have hadgreat success with the PI medicine. We willdo blood work again in 2 weeks and see where we stand.The rest of his blood work gives us no reason to thinkthat this is something else.
Show your pride at being the World’s Best Cat Mom!Would make a great present for yourself or for upcomingMother’s Day. Comes in 5 colors (white, blue, pink, yellow, green) International shipping is available.100% of the next profits will go to our spay/neuter program. We have helped over 300 cats so far withlots of appointments made now that the weather haswarmed up. The last day is 4/17 to order.Here is the link:
World’s Best Cat Mom Shirt Fund raiser
A video of Felix doing the lickey. He is a sweetsenior kitty much loved living in his forever homewith us. You may read his story HERE
Thank you so much to our wonderful eBay sellers and buyersfor sharing so generously with the cats! You may check out allthe wonderful auctions that are being shared with the cats byclicking HERE
You guys did good and moved Snicker up tothe next level!! The next vote is SUNDAY 4/5and Monday 4/6 when we go to the final 2, (notice I amhaving faith we make it to the final 2, your voteSunday will get us there. $5,000 is on the line.Please remember to shareRemember you only have that 24 hour period to vote.Here is the link again CLICK HERE TO VOTE
It is my birthday and I made you a jib jab for it.I think jib jab are fun, hope you enjoy this one :)It wouldn’t let me embed it. so you need to clickHERE Hope you enjoy the old blast from thepast :) It is still time to help me with my birthdayfundraiser for the cats :) CLICK HERE
A new contest
This is a daily vote for the next 30 days, it lookslike it gives bonus points that you can usefor votes too. You get points for joining andpoints each day when you log in. Every 10 daysyou can give a bonus of 10 points.Here is the link:
Jeff has made a really cute fundraiser forthe cats! I hope you will click HERE andwatch the cute video he made from a catsperspective. He is betting you that he candrink a one gallon jug of chocolate milk inone hour and keep it down for 15 minutes.He is accepting 1-1 odds. If you pledge$20 and he does it, you pay. If he failshe will personally pay your $20. Youtubehas videos of people not being able to do this so it might be a good bet :)
Cat Update
Wendy is hanging in there :) Fluids and appetite stimulants seem to be helping. She has regained approx 1/2 pound. WENDY’S STORY
Holly is hanging in there, got a much needed dentaldone, lost 2 teeth :( Kidney values are holdingsteady. Holly’s Story
Mack went back for blood work and came out perfect. The radiation therapy for his hyper thyroid brought his numbers back to perfect. Mack’s Story
Colonel was hospitalized for 2 days, severely constipatedAnother reason I have to get these guys off of thedry food. He is home on laxulose Colonel’s Story
Carrot is doing well and had his stitches removed yesterday CARROT’S STORY
Ernest was taken to the vet for a regular checkup. Wedid have concerns that he had also lost some weight.We do see him eating. His blood work screams FIPat us. We of course are thinking to ourselves thatwe are just being paranoid after losing Cheetah.But in reality, we know we are dealing again with FIP.This time (right now) it is dry. You are asking me howdo we know? Good question. There are clinical signs,weight loss (check) fever (check, he does have a low fever)loss of appetite (check he is eating but obviously notas much, he is now getting an appetite stimulant) lethargy,(he has never been real active so not really acting muchdifferent than before) Blood work, OY VAY were weshocked when she handed me the blood work.Protein (normal is 6.3-8.8) his is 9.Globulin (normal is 3.0-5.9) his is 6.7Albulin (normal 2.6-3.9) his is 2.3Reticulocyte ration is .02 (>.2 says look somewhere elseAlb/Glob ratio is .03 a ratio of <.08 meets the criteriafor FIP (>.8 says look somewhere else)And anemia his RBC is lowHis abdominal x-rays do not show fluid, they do show the powder look that we saw with Joy. I thinkwe have just caught this so early in the game.Oh, and he is FELV+ and young, typically FIP hitscats under the age of 2, in a multi-cat environment.There is a medication that is not FDA approved for DryFIP but people have had good results with it. We immediately started him on B-12 shots, feline interferon,and Polyprenyl Immunostimulant. Now we playthe battle with FIP. There are people what have hadsome success with the PI medicine. We willdo blood work again in 2 weeks and see where we stand.The rest of his blood work gives us no reason to thinkthat this is something else.
World’s Best Cat Mom Shirt Fund raiser
Show your pride at being the World’s Best Cat Mom!Would make a great present for yourself or for upcomingMother’s Day. Comes in 5 colors (white, blue, pink, yellow, green) International shipping is available.100% of the next profits will go to our spay/neuter program. We have helped over 300 cats so far withlots of appointments made now that the weather haswarmed up. The last day is 4/17 to order.Here is the link:
A video of Felix doing the lickey. He is a sweet senior kitty much loved living in his forever home with us. You may read his story HERE
Thank you so much to our wonderful eBay sellers and buyersfor sharing so generously with the cats! You may check out allthe wonderful auctions that are being shared with the cats byclicking HERE
Lots of FREE ways you can help the cats!1. Vote contest 12. Vote Contest 23. Click every day 4. Do you shop with Schawns?Click here and they donate to the cats5. Do you shop with Amazon? Shop through and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity and their foundation will make a donation to the cats6. Make your own fundraiser for the cats. Share your birthday, anniversary or anything else you would like. HERE7. Do you like to run, walk, jog? Download the resqwalk app, pick Blind Cat rescue and then will donate to us for every mile you walk. Apple and droids :)
The Cats Say Thank you!A few pictures of some of the catsthat YOU have helped us spay/neuter