We hope you are having a wonderful weekend! We have a super special surprise just for you! Please DO NOT put this on SOCIAL MEDIA! We will share with them in a few weeks, right now this is only for YOU!
Meet Lindsey
Lindsey has worked here part time almost a year. She is 27 years old, married to a wonderful lady named Maria. She is also in college full time working on an associate degree. In her spare time she volunteers at her wife’s dog rescue where she works and bowling. She is also former Army and did time in Afghanistan.
Play with our cats online and in real time
We have signed up with iPet Companion. It is a real time play system that you can log in to and play with the cats. Click HERE There are 3 toys and the buttons do not look a thing like the toys (they are supposed to change them to match) The toys and buttons go left to right in the room. Toy 1 (first button left) is a spinning toy, Toy 2 is near the climber, round with a ball in it, it rocks when you push the middle button. Toy 3 is a laser toy near the right side of the screen. You can move the camera around the room, peek out onto the outside patio, zoom in on the cats and take a picture. I would love your objective feed back on it. Be brutally honest so I can share it with them. If it is slow, say it. (It is brutally slow on my computer but I have slow Internet) We can not help them make it better without feed back. iPet provided the equipment for free. If you have ad blocker, use it, runs much faster.
Lindsey and Candy
Lindsey and Ray
Lindsey and Socks
Snicker’s ornament Don’t miss out on your 2016 collectible calendar. We promise it will give you smiles as you see what antics the cats can do during the summer Olympics. CLICK HERE to order
Ear Care and Ear Problems in Cats Monitoring your cat’s ears for wax, debris and signs of infection will help keep them healthy. A healthy outer ear should have no bald spots, and its inner surface is clean and light pink. Gently fold back each outer ear and look down into the canal. Healthy ears will be pale pink in color, carry no debris or odor and have minimal or no visible earwax. Watch for the following signs that may indicate your cat’s ears should be checked by a veterinarian. Persistent scratch and pawing of the ear or surrounding area. Sensitivity to touch around the ears Head tilt Frequent shaking of the head Loss of balance and disorientation Redness or swelling of the outer ear or ear canal Unpleasant odor Black or yellowish discharge Accumulation of dark brown wax Hearing loss Bleeding from the ear Ear mites are common parasites that are contagious amount pets. Signs include excessive itching of the ears and debris that resembles coffee grounds. Ask your vet to show you how to properly clean your cats ears. You should not clean down in the canal without proper training from your vet. With 90+ cats we do over 180 ears every week. Here is a video of how we were trained to do our cats.
Room 1 Remodel - After Video
We showed you the video of the room being remodeled. All done :)
Cat Updates
Greta is doing well. She is eating well on her own. She still has the feeding tube because of all the medicines she has to take. She is getting new blood work Monday. She will see a cardiologist in a few weeks.
Ray is NOT hypertensive. He does have inflammatory disease. We are trying another new food. He also had an intestinal infection and is on antibiotics. He has regained some of the weight he lost.
RIP Happy
Losing Happy was so unexpected. We saw she was not feeling well and had lost ½ a pound that week so off to the vet we go. She was running 105 fever! She was of course hospitalized. (It is Saturday) X-rays, blood work and IV antibiotics were started. They got the fever down, she was eating. It spiked again on Sunday, they got it down again. Monday the vet calls me, it is 106. She says Happy needs to go to Raleigh for a critical care vet. They do not know why she is so sick but her platelets are 7 (that is really bad!) and anemic. Off to Raleigh we go. They do new blood, it is worse than it was 2 days earlier, x-rays, ultra sound. We knew she was FIV+, she had been tested FELV negative 2 months before. They asked could they retest her for leukemia. Yes Of course! She tested FELV+ Twice. That just changed everything. No more poking, needles and testing. It was not going to change the bottom line, leukemia was here and we were not going to be able to change the bottom line. Bill was with her at the end as we returned her to her maker.
She appeared out of the woods a year ago freezing, starving, mouth infection to the bone, pregnant, covered with sores and orange. We don’t know if it was from the clay soil or burying herself in leaves trying not to freeze to death (night temps were dropping into the teens at night) We were blessed to have her for a year. For a year she knew love, soft beds, a kind word and a full belly. Thank you for helping us make that happen for her.
When she first arrived.
As you know little Autumn has been fighting nasal cancer. The vet told us 8 months ago that he thought she would only have 3-4 months. She developed an ulcer on her cornea. We started treating it. The next day it ruptured. Off to the vet and then on to Raleigh for the eye vet. They wanted to try to repair it so she would still have some sight. Sadly, the tear was too large and because she is on steroids for the cancer they felt it would not heal. The vet ended up having to remove the eye. She was in pain, there was no other choice. Her other eye has a severe cataract so she has very limited sight. The vet said she felt the ulcer was caused because of her facial changes. Her bones are becoming more pronounced, her eye sockets are becoming more sunken. If you have seen a human whose cancer has progressed you will know what I am describing. Her eye lids are turning in and her eye lashes caused the ulcer. She is now home and doing recovering. We sadly recognize her time with us is coming to a close. She is getting pain meds for her eyes and when she says it is time, we will let her go.
If you follow us on Facebook, you are may be missing lots of news from us. Facebook is only allowing 2-3% of our supporters to see us! Why you ask? Money of course. They want us to pay to boost the posts.
For One post for 2 days is: $1,500 reach 36K- 96K $3,000 reach 46K-120K $6,000 reach 60K-160K $40,000 reach 76K-200K We have over 1 million fans and they want $40,000 for 2 days for a max. of 200K of the people to see the posts! (I can send you a screen shot if you think I am kidding :) SOOOOO What can you do to help you ask? Thank you so much for asking :) 1. Join our FB friends page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bcrfriends/ 2. Join our mailing list http://jotformpro.com/50065191419957 (if you've joined previously, you don't need to join again) 3. Like, Share and comment on all posts. The more you interact with our page, the more likely you'll see us on your news feed. Even putting a heart is considered a comment 5. Make sure you're still a fan of our page by going to https://www.facebook.com/BlindCatRescue/ and checking to see if it still says "LIKED". 6. Click on the LIKED button and choose "posts in newsfeed", then click on "see first" 7. Click on the LIKED button and choose "notifications". Then click on "all posts" 8. Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/blindcatrescue 9. Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/blindcatrescue Thanks for your support! We really hope to see more of YOU, and you'll see more of US!!
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone that shared, clicked and liked the Wellness food post on Facebook. They donated 4 pallets of cat food! We donated a full pallet each to Robeson County Humane, Hoke County Humane and Robeson County Animal Control and kept a pallet for our cats!. Your kindness fed a lot of cats!
Thank you to Jim & Joan for their annual turkey dinner for the cats! Every year Jim cooks a 20 pound bird for the cats. They love fresh turkey!
Jim Dishing the turkey up
Lots of turkey!
Angel says Lip smacking good!
Paul Likes
Your JibJab, I hope you enjoy!
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We hope you are having a wonderful weekend! We have a super special surprise just for you! Please DO NOT put this on SOCIAL MEDIA! We will share with them in a few weeks, right now this is only for YOU!
Play with our cats online and in real time
We have signed up with iPet Companion. It is a real time play system that you can log in to and play with the cats. Click HERE There are 3 toys and the buttons do not look a thing like the toys (they are supposed to change them to match) The toys and buttons go left to right in the room. Toy 1 (first button left) is a spinning toy, Toy 2 is near the climber, round with a ball in it, it rocks when you push the middle button. Toy 3 is a laser toy near the right side of the screen. You can move the camera around the room, peek out onto the outside patio, zoom in on the cats and take a picture. I would love your objective feed back on it. Be brutally honest so I can share it with them. If it is slow, say it. (It is brutally slow on my computer but I have slow Internet) We can not help them make it better without feed back. iPet provided the equipment for free.
Meet Lindsey
Lindsey has worked here part time almost a year. She is 27 years old, married to a wonderful lady named Maria. She is also in college full time working on an associate degree. In her spare time she volunteers at her wife’s dog rescue where she works and bowling. She is also former Army and did time in Afghanistan.
Lindsey and Candy
Lindsey and Ray
Lindsey and Socks
Snicker’s ornament Don’t miss out on your 2016 collectible calendar. We promise it will give you smiles as you see what antics the cats can do during the summer Olympics. CLICK HERE to order
Cat Updates
Greta is doing well. She is eating well on her own. She still has the feeding tube because of all the medicines she has to take. She is getting new blood work Monday. She will see a cardiologist in a few weeks.
Ray is NOT hypertensive. He does have inflammatory disease. We are trying another new food. He also had an intestinal infection and is on antibiotics. He has regained some of the weight he lost.
RIP Happy
Losing Happy was so unexpected. We saw she was not feeling well and had lost ½ a pound that week so off to the vet we go. She was running 105 fever! She was of course hospitalized. (It is Saturday) X-rays, blood work and IV antibiotics were started. They got the fever down, she was eating. It spiked again on Sunday, they got it down again. Monday the vet calls me, it is 106. She says Happy needs to go to Raleigh for a critical care vet. They do not know why she is so sick but her platelets are 7 (that is really bad!) and anemic. Off to Raleigh we go. They do new blood, it is worse than it was 2 days earlier, x-rays, ultra sound. We knew she was FIV+, she had been tested FELV negative 2 months before. They asked could they retest her for leukemia. Yes Of course! She tested FELV+ Twice. That just changed everything. No more poking, needles and testing. It was not going to change the bottom line, leukemia was here and we were not going to be able to change the bottom line. Bill was with her at the end as we returned her to her maker.
She appeared out of the woods a year ago freezing, starving, mouth infection to the bone, pregnant, covered with sores and orange. We don’t know if it was from the clay soil or burying herself in leaves trying not to freeze to death (night temps were dropping into the teens at night) We were blessed to have her for a year. For a year she knew love, soft beds, a kind word and a full belly. Thank you for helping us make that happen for her.
When she first arrived.
As you know little Autumn has been fighting nasal cancer. The vet told us 8 months ago that he thought she would only have 3-4 months. She developed an ulcer on her cornea. We started treating it. The next day it ruptured. Off to the vet and then on to Raleigh for the eye vet. They wanted to try to repair it so she would still have some sight. Sadly, the tear was too large and because she is on steroids for the cancer they felt it would not heal. The vet ended up having to remove the eye. She was in pain, there was no other choice. Her other eye has a severe cataract so she has very limited sight. The vet said she felt the ulcer was caused because of her facial changes. Her bones are becoming more pronounced, her eye sockets are becoming more sunken. If you have seen a human whose cancer has progressed you will know what I am describing. Her eye lids are turning in and her eye lashes caused the ulcer. She is now home and doing recovering. We sadly recognize her time with us is coming to a close. She is getting pain meds for her eyes and when she says it is time, we will let her go.
If you follow us on Facebook, you are may be missing lots of news from us. Facebook is only allowing 2-3% of our supporters to see us! Why you ask? Money of course. They want us to pay to boost the posts.
For One post for 2 days is: $1,500 reach 36K- 96K $3,000 reach 46K-120K $6,000 reach 60K-160K $40,000 reach 76K-200K We have over 1 million fans and they want $40,000 for 2 days for a max. of 200K of the people to see the posts! (I can send you a screen shot if you think I am kidding :) SOOOOO What can you do to help you ask? Thank you so much for asking :) 1. Join our FB friends page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bcrfriends/ 2. Join our mailing list http://jotformpro.com/50065191419957 (if you've joined previously, you don't need to join again) 3. Like, Share and comment on all posts. The more you interact with our page, the more likely you'll see us on your news feed. Even putting a heart is considered a comment 5. Make sure you're still a fan of our page by going to https://www.facebook.com/BlindCatRescue/ and checking to see if it still says "LIKED". 6. Click on the LIKED button and choose "posts in newsfeed", then click on "see first" 7. Click on the LIKED button and choose "notifications". Then click on "all posts" 8. Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/blindcatrescue 9. Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/blindcatrescue Thanks for your support! We really hope to see more of YOU, and you'll see more of US!!
Your Jib Jab
There is lots more on the desktop version.
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