Meet Nacho
Nacho is a very sweet FELV+ kitty who came to us from our local vet. A man found Nacho as a starving stray.  He brought him in to get his shots and be tested for felv/fiv.  When he tested positive the man’s son insisted he be euthanized. Lucky for nacho my vet knows that a FELV+ cat can often have a few decent years of life and refused to kill him. I was told the son became very aggressive and the situation deteriorated pretty quick.  The vet called me and asked if I could take him.  My vet got him to sign over ownership of Nacho. Nacho is a super friendly fellow, likes cats and gaining weight.  You may watch him live on his MeShare camera link ==>  http://ow.ly/YZ8I9    He thanks you for making it possible for us to save his life!
RIP  Domino   9-15-2016
Sadly Domino lost his fight with cancer.  We were blessed to have loved him for 5 years.
Meet Griffin
Griffin is a big friendly fellow who loves attention.  He was found starving and thin by a lady living in France.  He is blind.  She moved back to the USA with him but knew she was going to have to find him a home because she was going to have to be moving in with an elderly relative at some point to care for her and that person is very allergic. She had contacted us a year ago and we had said no because we did not have the space. Sadly we have had some losses and this time had space for him.  She was running out of time, she had to be moving in a month and he was going to be euthanzied if she could not find a place for him.  She had been trying to find a home for him for a year.  He has some bathroom issues, I suspect that is why she could not find a home.   She is sponsoring him for the rest of his life. You will be able to see him on Wednesday’s  on the ustream.tv/blindcatrescue     camera. He is looking for sponsors.  http://blindcatrescue.com/griffin.htm
Cat Update - Bob
Bob is still hanging in there.  His cancer is progressing. We know we are coming to the end with him.  He is still as sweet as can be regardless of what we are having to do to him or medicines he has to take.
Please Rate us
Thank you so much to you that have already rated us! Your ratings will help us with future grants! We hope you will take a minute to rate us if you have not done so yet :)
Open House Pictures
Thank you to everyone that came to visit for open house. Click on the pictures to enlarge.
Last 2 Open Houses for the year   10/15 & 11/12/2016
Hope you can join us.  We have the guest house available for out of town visitors.
  Do you like to watch the cats in real time?  Did you know we have multiple live feed cameras?    ROKU http://ustream.tv/blindcatrescue http://ow.ly/RVH1301de8e    House 2, room 1 http://ow.ly/YZ8I9      House 2, room 2 http://ow.ly/dRTp301dbmA     house 2, room 3 http://ow.ly/YZ8NZ     House 1,  room 2 http://ow.ly/tuw73048dik  house 1, room 4
Show your support and get your cam viewer t-shirt Click the link now ==>  http://booster.com/watchus
FREE WAYS to Help The Cats Click every day:   http://shopforyourcause.com/click-to-donate/donate?ctd=4 Do you shop with Schawns?  Use our link and it helps the cats: https://www.schwans-cares.com/campaigns/21909-blind-cat-kitty-care    NEW LINK! Do you shop with Amazon?  Shop through  http://smile.amazon.com  and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity and their foundation will make a donation to the cats Make your own fund raiser for the cats.  Share your birthday, anniversary or anything else you would like.     http://fundraise.blindcatrescue.com Do you like to run, walk, jog?  Download the resqwalk app, pick Blind Cat rescue and then will donate to us for every mile you walk.  Apple and droids :)    http://resqwalk.com Blind Cat Rescue has an awesome wine line with wonderful unique labels http://benefitwines.com/bcrs 
Pilling Cats: Must-Know Tips for Hiding Pills
With 90 plus cats, we have to give medicine to many cats. We give water, the pill and then water to wash it down. To Crush or not to crush Some people like to crush it and try to hide it in food. Verify with your vet that the specific pill can be safely crushed Some can contain substances that can irritate their digestive tract if administered directly.  They are safe only when encapsulated in their original form and the pill should be administered whole. Ideas for hiding Pills Whole or crushed, the challenge is to disguise the smell and taste.  Lots depends on ho0w awful the taste is. Some people use Pill Pockets, they make a variety of pill picket treats in different flavors.  You will need to experiment to see what your cat will eat. Give them without the pill to see if they like them. 
Tuna Tuna appears to work for many cat owners. It has such a strong scent which appears to cover  the smell of medicine well enough for most cats. Success may depend on the ratio of crushed pill powder to actual tuna, so start with at least a couple of spoonfuls of tuna for a small pill. Mix well and serve at room temperature. Tuna can be molded to cover whole pills too.
Creams and Cheeses
Some of our members report whipped cream and cheese spray are effective in masking pills. It's a good base substance for crushed pills, but you can also try freezing a dab of cheese spray to be used as a small pliable "pill pocket". Once formed, let it warm up to room temperature and serve. If your cat gobbles it up instead of licking it, it may just work.
Other food items - Hot dogs could be a small pill pocket. Try covering the pill in butter first so the scent is sealed. Be prepared to rotate pill covers.  Talk to your vet to see if the medication can be administered in liquid form or transdermal (it is put on their ear)  If you just can’t get the medicine in your cat, a daily trip to the vet may not be fun but if they won’t take  the medicines you may have to do that.
We are very grateful to our wonderful eBay sellers and buyers for sharing so generously of their auctions with the cats.  We hope you will check out all their wonderful auctions  HERE
If you are a Federal Employee,  Please consider choosing BCR as your CFC Charity. Your kindness will be helping Blind, FIV & FELV+ cats
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Did you know that if you click the previous button,  you may read older copies of the newsletters?
Meet Nacho
Nacho is a very sweet FELV+ kitty who came to us from our local vet. A man found Nacho as a starving stray.  He brought him in to get his shots and be tested for felv/fiv.  When he tested positive the man’s son insisted he be euthanized. Lucky for nacho my vet knows that a FELV+ cat can often have a few decent years of life and refused to kill him. I was told the son became very aggressive and the situation deteriorated pretty quick.  The vet called me and asked if I could take him.  My vet got him to sign over ownership of Nacho. Nacho is a super friendly fellow, likes cats and gaining weight.  You may watch him live on his MeShare camera link ==>  http://ow.ly/YZ8I9  He thanks you for making it possible to save his life!
Please Rate us
Thank you so much to you that have already rated us! Your ratings will help us with future grants! We hope you will take a minute to rate us if you have not done so yet :)
Open House Pictures
Thank you to everyone that came to visit for open house. Click on the pictures to enlarge.
RIP  Domino   9-15-2016
Sadly Domino lost his fight with cancer.  We were blessed to have loved him for 5 years.
Last 2 Open Houses for the year   10/15 & 11/12/2016
Hope you can join us.  We have the guest house available for out of town visitors.
Meet Griffin
Griffin is a big friendly fellow who loves attention.  He was found starving and thin by a lady living in France.  He is blind.  She moved back to the USA with him but knew she was going to have to find him a home because she was going to have to be moving in with an elderly relative at some point to care for her and that person is very allergic. She had contacted us a year ago and we had said no because we did not have the space. Sadly we have had some losses and this time had space for him.  She was running out of time, she had to be moving in a month and he was going to be euthanzied if she could not find a place for him.  She had been trying to find a home for him for a year.  He has some bathroom issues, I suspect that is why she could not find a home.   She is sponsoring him for the rest of his life. You will be able to see him on Wednesday’s  on the ustream.tv/blindcatrescue     camera.
  Do you like to watch the cats in real time?  Did you know we have multiple live feed cameras?    ROKU http://ustream.tv/blindcatrescue http://ow.ly/RVH1301de8e    House 2, room 1 http://ow.ly/YZ8I9      House 2, room 2 http://ow.ly/dRTp301dbmA     house 2, room 3 http://ow.ly/YZ8NZ     House 1,  room 2 http://ow.ly/tuw73048dik  house 1, room 4
Show your support and get your cam viewer t-shirt Click the link now ==>  http://booster.com/watchus
Cat Update - Bob
Bob is still hanging in there.  His cancer is progressing. We know we are coming to the end with him.  He is still as sweet as can be regardless of what we are having to do to him or medicines he has to take.
Pilling Cats: Must-Know Tips for Hiding Pills
With 90 plus cats, we have to give medicine to many cats. We give water, the pill and then water to wash it down. To Crush or not to crush Some people like to crush it and try to hide it in food. Verify with your vet that the specific pill can be safely crushed Some can contain substances that can irritate their digestive tract if administered directly.  They are safe only when encapsulated in their original form and the pill should be administered whole. Ideas for hiding Pills Whole or crushed, the challenge is to disguise the smell and taste.  Lots depends on ho0w awful the taste is. Some people use Pill Pockets, they make a variety of pill picket treats in different flavors.  You will need to experiment to see what your cat will eat. Give them without the pill to see if they like them. 
Tuna Tuna appears to work for many cat owners. It has such a strong scent which appears to cover  the smell of medicine well enough for most cats. Success may depend on the ratio of crushed pill powder to actual tuna, so start with at least a couple of spoonfuls of tuna for a small pill. Mix well and serve at room temperature. Tuna can be molded to cover whole pills too.
Creams and Cheeses
Some of our members report whipped cream and cheese spray are effective in masking pills. It's a good base substance for crushed pills, but you can also try freezing a dab of cheese spray to be used as a small pliable "pill pocket". Once formed, let it warm up to room temperature and serve. If your cat gobbles it up instead of licking it, it may just work.
Other food items - Hot dogs could be a small pill pocket. Try covering the pill in butter first so the scent is sealed. Be prepared to rotate pill covers.  Talk to your vet to see if the medication can be administered in liquid form or transdermal (it is put on their ear)  If you just can’t get the medicine in your cat, a daily trip to the vet may not be fun but if they won’t take  the medicines you may have to do that.
We are very grateful to our wonderful eBay sellers and buyers for sharing so generously of their auctions with the cats.  We hope you will check out all their wonderful auctions  HERE
If you are a Federal Employee,  Please consider choosing BCR as your CFC Charity. Your kindness will be helping Blind, FIV & FELV+ cats
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Did you know that if you click the  previous button,   you may read older copies of the newsletters?
He is looking for sponsors.  http://blindcatrescue.com/griffin.htm