Sponsored by Gene - Thank you!Sponsored by Roy & Trudie - Thank you!Sponsored by Megan - Thank you!Sponsored By Paul - Thank you!Sponsored by Bhavana - Thank you!Sponsored by Barbara - Thank you!Sponsored by Amy - Thank you!Sponsored by Charlene - Thank you!Sponsored by Manjo- Thank you!Sponsored by Sharon - Thank you!Sponsored by Jennifer and Arnon - Thank you!Sponsored by Bernice- Thank you!Sponsored by Suzanne - Thank you!
Blind/Deaf/NeurologicalGender: FemaleApproximate age:Arrived From: FloridaArrival Day: April 2019Merlin is a blind, deaf and neurological cat who came to us from animal control in Florida. Her story is another testament to it taking a village to save a life. We got worked that Merlin was going to be euthanized in the animal control facility. We called our flying angel, Davica, who has helped transport several kitties to us. Living in south Florida, Davica knows a lot of people! She made some calls and quickly got Merlin out of the facility and found a foster home for her. A wonderful group of people made all this happen, too: Maribell, Suzanne, Nicole, Wendy, Randy, Dr. Kristi & Elizabeth. Merlin flew to NC and was picked up in Raleigh by a wonderful volunteer, Thorn, who got her to us. Our vet checked Merlin our right away and found she was in pretty good health. At first, Merlin hated other cats but over the years she’s mellowed out a lot – we think she might have been afraid because she’s both blind and deaf. She loves people, is playful and is a joy to spend time with! You can watch Magical Merlin live on our 24-hour cameras in House 2, Room 5. HERE,
Sponsored by Gene - Thank you!Sponsored by Roy & Trudie - Thank you!Sponsored by Megan - Thank you!Sponsored By Paul - Thank you!Sponsored by Bhavana - Thank you!Sponsored by Barbara - Thank you!Sponsored by Amy - Thank you!Sponsored by Charlene - Thank you!Sponsored by Manjo- Thank you!Sponsored by Sharon - Thank you!Sponsored by Jennifer and Arnon - Thank you!Sponsored by Bernice- Thank you!Sponsored by Suzanne - Thank you!
Blind/Deaf/NeurologicalGender: FemaleApproximate age:Arrived From: FloridaArrival Day: April 2019Merlin is a blind, deaf and neurological cat who came to us from animal control in Florida. Her story is another testament to it taking a village to save a life. We got worked that Merlin was going to be euthanized in the animal control facility. We called our flying angel, Davica, who has helped transport several kitties to us. Living in southFlorida, Davica knows a lot of people! She made some calls and quickly got Merlin out of the facility and found a foster home for her. A wonderful group of people made all this happen, too: Maribell, Suzanne, Nicole, Wendy, Randy, Dr. Kristi & Elizabeth.Merlin flew to NC and was picked up in Raleigh by a wonderful volunteer, Thorn, who got her to us. Our vet checked Merlin our right away and found she was in pretty good health. At first, Merlin hated other cats but over the years she’s mellowed out a lot – we think she might have been afraid because she’s both blind and deaf. She loves people, is playful and is a joy to spend time with! You can watch Magical Merlin live on our 24-hour cameras in House 2, Room 5.