Gender: Female
Approximate age: 4 years (As of 2024)
Birthday: August 18, 2020
Arrived From: Selma, NC
Arrival Day: 1-29-2024
Raja owes her life to a lady who stepped in when she found out her
coworker was going to
take her to animal control because they didn’t not want to deal with
her any longer. Her eye needed immediate medical attention and has
not been to the vet in a long while. Her rescuer saved her life but had
special needs cats of her own and could not be her forever solution.
That is where we stepped in.
Raja is an incredibly sweet girl who loves balled up paper, cat nip,
and tea bags! Raja has already had her introductory vet visit where
she received a full panel blood-work, UA, blood pressure, an X-rays.
Amazingly she is very healthy! She does have severe glaucoma in
her right eye. She will be having it removed on February 19, 2024.
Until then we medicating her with special eye drops to help reduce
the pressure in her eye along with some pain medication. Her left
eye has already been removed due to her eye being left untreated for
so long that it ruptured.
You can find her in Room 2 of House 2!
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