7/2016 Jerry is a FIV/FELV+ cat who arrived from a SC shelter who was going to euthanize him because he test FELV+ positive. He is a very sweet kitty who is still adjusting. You may watch him LIVE on Sunday’s on our Ustream camera, and live 24 hours a day on our MeShare camera .
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Sponsored by Kendra - Thank you! Sponsored by Dawn in honor of her brother John - Thank you! Sponsored by Elizabeth - Thank you! Sponsored by Suzanne - Thank you!
2/14/2017 We had know since late last year that Jerry would only be with us for a few months. Ultra sounds showed that his check and abdomen were full of tumors. Today Sweet Jerry developed problems breathing due to all the tumors he had and bleeding behind one of his eyes. The time to let him go was here. He was purring to the end. Such a sweet boy who got a really bad deal in life. He will be missed.
7/2016 Jerry is a FELV+ cat who arrived from a SC shelter who was going to euthanize him because he test FELV+ positive. He is a very sweet kitty who is still adjusting. You may watch him LIVE on Sunday’s on our Ustream camera, and live 24 hours a day our MeShare camera .
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Sponsored by Kendra - Thank you! Sponsored by Dawn in honor of her brother John - Thank you! Sponsored by Elizabeth - Thank you! Sponsored by Suzanne - Thank you!
2/14/2017 We had know since late last year that Jerry would only be with us for a few months. An Ultra sound showed that his chest and abdomen were full of tumors. Today Sweet Jerry developed problems breathing due to all the tumors he had and bleeding behind one of his eyes. The time to let him go was here. He was purring to the end. Such a sweet boy who got a really bad deal in life. He will be missed.