2/2021 Preston Burke (yes Grey’s Anatomy we are going there) is a senior FIV+ blind kitty.
We think he is around 18 years old.
He was found hiding in a feral house at a cared for feral colony. The care taker noticed
his eyes and knew he was new to the area. She talked to neighbors to make sure he was
not lost. No one claimed him She reached out to a small rescue in her area that does TNR.
They tried to find this fellow a home and found no takers. He needed help, a polar storm was coming
so she contacted us. She picked him up, got him his rabies shot and made sure he did not have a
microchip. Two wonderful transport angels (Hi Elaine & Tami!) made the 8 hour round trip to
bring him to us.
He is thin but friendly. We are going to get his medical needs taken care of and then
he will move into a room.
He is now in Room 1 You may watch him live on his live cat camera HERE. He is in Room 1
Peeking out of the feral house where he was found
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5/14/2021 RIP
Preston was a very old kitty (we think around 18 years old) who
came to us in February after being found living outside. Blind,
FIV+ and very thin, he needed help and we were blessed to have
been able to help him.
He of course had the usual old kitty diseases, kidney, blood pressure,
etc. He was hospitalized 2 weeks ago. Today, after breakfast, the
staff saw that he was showing increased signs of distress and was
rushed again to the vets' office. The vet and I agreed it was time to
let this sweet old fellow go.
He went over the rainbow bridge peacefully in my arms. He made
such an impression on the staff, we will never forget him. Your
support made it possible for us to help him. Thank you so much!!!