4/2015 Sasha comes to us from the Dillon SC animal control center.This is a high intake, high euthanize, small county shelter. Lucky forSasha there is a small group of hard working volunteers that tryto find a safe place for the animals before their time is up.Sasha tested FELV+ in the shelter. They contacted us and askedcould we take her, We said if she tests IFA positive we will takeher. They took her to the vet and had her tested. And she isreally FELV+ positive. (Snap test are absolutely unreliable, neverever trust a positive, always retest with a more reliable test)Sasha is a very sweet little girl, approx 9 months old, wasdropped off at the pound by her owner with no explanationon her paperwork.You will be able to watch her live on http://ustream.tv/blindcatrescueon Monday’s after she clears quarantine.Sponsored by Susan - Thank you!Sponsored by Robert - Thank you!Sponsored by Lynette - Thank you!SponsoredbyIngein loving memory of Timothy-Thankyou!
8/6/2015 I am so sorry to be writing this today. This morning Sasha clearly had had enough. Her eyes had the look of exhaustion and she was not getting up and moving around. You could feel her kidneys when you pet her, they were hard as rocks. It was clearly time. She was such a sweet little girl, we were so blessed to have been loved by her for the short time we had with her. Cancer sadly took her way too young
4/2015 Sasha comes to us from the Dillon SC animal control center. This is a high intake, high euthanize, small county shelter. Lucky for Sasha there is a small group of hard working volunteers that try to find a safe place for the animals before their time is up.Sasha tested FELV+ in the shelter. They contacted us and askedcould we take her, We said if she tests IFA positive we will takeher. They took her to the vet and had her tested. And she isreally FELV+ positive. (Snap test are absolutely unreliable, neverever trust a positive, always retest with a more reliable test)Sasha is a very sweet little girl, approx 9 months old, wasdropped off at the pound by her owner with no explanationon her paperwork.
Sponsored by Susan - Thank you!Sponsored by Robert - Thank you!Sponsored by Lynette - Thank you!Sponsored by Inge in loving memory of Timothy - Thank you!
8/6/2015 I am so sorry to be writing this today. This morning Sasha clearly had had enough. Her eyes had the look of exhaustion and she was not getting up and moving around. You could feel her kidneys when you pet her, they were hard as rocks. It was clearly time. She was such a sweet little girl, we were so blessed to have been loved by her for the short time we had with her. Cancer sadly took her way too young