2012 Willow and her brother Stevie again show how wonderful
people can be and how it sometimes takes a village to save a life.
Stevie & Willow were dropped off at the Detroit Animal
Control (very high kill) because their owner had been committed.
The volunteers at the shelter did not want to see them die because
they were blind and reached out on Facebook for help. Our fly
angels, Britta and Casey flew from Dallas to Detroit to pick
them up and flew them to Atlanta. In Atlanta our foster angels,
Danny & Jody met them at the airport. They handed them off to
Lisa, another foster angel, who drove them to us 2 weeks later.
They owe their lives to this wonderful group of people who really
went out of their way to save them.
Once they got here we got them desperately needed dentals and
had their eyes taken care of. (They had empty sockets) Stevie
is very friendly, very social. Willow is shy but friendly.
You may see her LIVE 24 hours a day on her MeShare camera.
She is in house 1, room 1.
Sponsored by Ratna - Thank you!
Sponsored by Shelly in loving memory of Nacho - Thank you!
Sponsored by Bill - Thank you!
Sponsored by Terri - Thank you!
Sponsored by Catherine - Thank you!
Sponsored by Fred & Wendy - Thank you!
Sponsored by Mimi - Thank you!
Sponsored by Anne - Thank you!
Sponsored by Pete - in Memory of Stevie - Thank you!
Sponsored by Lucy - Thank you!
Sponsored by Carrie - Thank you!
Sponsored by Gayle - Thank you!
Sponsored by Bhavana - Thank you!
2/10/2023 Today we said goodbye to sweet Willow. It was time.
She has been so sick for the past year. She had been to the vet so
many times, so many blood tests,
ultrasounds, so much medicine, shots, and vitamins, and yet nothing
was fixing her.
She had become diabetic, had severe pancreatitis, cholangitis,
amylase off the chart, FPL off the chart, severe diarrhea, and losing
weight, so much weight. She was now losing it at 3 ounces a day
and was just bones, Yet she was eating a lot. Her body was not
absorbing nutrition at all. It was time to let this sweet girl go. She
had a good breakfast this morning and then she and I made our
last trip to the vet's office. She went over the rainbow bridge
purring in my arms. We are having a necropsy done to see if we
were in fact dealing with cancer. Her brother died of
cancer of the intestines.
Willow came to us 11 years ago from animal control where she and
her brother were going to be euthanized. She was a very sweet
loving girl who loved to sit in your lap, lay in the sun and play with
toys. She thanks you so so much for making it possible for her to
have 11 more years of life.Your sponsorship and support helped
give her that gift. We shall miss her very much!